Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business. These valuation tools are often used by business appraisers to resolve disputes related to estate and gift taxation, divorce litigation, allocate business purchase prices among business assets, establish a formula for estimating the value of partners’ ownership interest for buy-sell agreements, and many other business and legal purposes such as in shareholders deadlock, divorce litigation, and estate contest.
A market assessment is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the possible multiple offers an owner may expect to receive for selling their company. It is the compilation of several research tools that include previous acquisitions, interviews with acquirers in the space, and current industry strengths and trends.
CRI Capital Advisors focuses on lower-middle market assessments. $10MM-$250MM. This is offered as a complimentary service with a $10,000 retail value. We do the research and provide a professional assessment of the value of your business in today’s market.
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